Aliens By: A. Doss

I don’t think that aliens exist
because the Bible doesn’t say God
created any life on other planets.
The Bible says that Adam and Eve were
the first beings to ever be created.
Humans can’t leave and go to form a different
life, like aliens. So that’s why I believe
aliens don’t exist.

Christina, 12

I think they could be real.
There seems to be evidence that some
people have seen them. If they are
real though I’m not interested in meeting any.

Shirly, 44

I don’t think there are aliens
because I have never seen one or a
spaceship or anything.

Adam, 8

I believe that there are aliens
because it’s kind of hard to
think we’re the only beings in this
entire universe. I mean the sun’s
a star and there’s millions of stars.
At least one of those stars is
a sun for another planet that has
some kind of life on it. Who
knows, there could be a planet
where spiders or flies dominate the
land. Hey, it could happen!

Amity, 14

I don’t believe in aliens because
there’s not enough evidence to prove they’re real.

Susie, 13

I believe that there are aliens
because there are other stars that have
planets circling them and there has to
be life on a least one of them.

Andrea, 12

I don’t think there are aliens
because I don’t believe God made any.
Especially not little green men that
people claim the see.

Martha, 8

Yes, I think aliens are real
because there are millions of other
galaxies out there and we can’t be
the only ones with life. I’m not
saying there are aliens with green
bodies and brown heads. There could
be a planet with only plant life .
Whatever kind of aliens there are,
I know they’re real because there
wouldn’t be such a big universe if
we were the only ones living in it.

Daniel, 15

Yes I think aliens exist
because the spirit world is full
of them.

John, 44

No I don’t think that aliens
are real because the Bible doesn’t
say anything about them.

Angie, 16

Thanks for reading ALIENS, by A. Doss. My next topic will be music. Do you think secular music is ok to listen to? Send your ideas to A. Doss

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