Need directions?- God
I am me
by Lisa Graft

I first want to say that its not my intention to offend anyone. I am doing this only to better define the difference between the Secular and Christian worlds. If you think you might be offended don't read any further.

Growing up I was given the choice to believe whatever I wanted, as were my siblings. This came with the full knowledge that my family would back me no matter what.
When I was seven or eight I was invited to attend a Vacation Bible School. And so I did, I don't remember much from my first time at a church, except for the games and cookies we got during break. When the week was over, things went back to normal and I didn't really think about the church again. Till a year later when I was given the option once again to attend another V.B.S. at the same church, this time shortly after I began attending Sunday school weekly. That was my first taste of Christian religion.

I attended the same church for almost three years till my family and I moved across the country. I enjoyed church and learning about God and Jesus. But I didn't know whether or not I would attend a church in our new town. Shortly after moving into the town I realized how much I loved to read, and began to read everything I could get my hands on. In under a month I must have read about a hundred books.

About a year after moving I attended church again. The difference was very disturbing. I was shocked to find out that rather then discuss the bible this church would rather discuss the local behavior of the townsfolk. I quit going there and went in search of a church that would discuss the bible, I wanted to know more. That's where the second shock came in. Suddenly with this new church everything I did got me sent directly to hell do not pass go to not collect two hundred dollars. And to give you a slight idea, I wasn't a bad child. I did my school work and got pretty good grades I didn't fight, drink, smoke or steal, I wasn't a slut, meaning I didn't sleep around, at all. What I did was listen to love songs (considered the devils music.) watch fantasy television like Star Trek, and Sliders. And the biggest no, my friends were good decent people, and I never asked their religious preference, it seemed that the only people I could be friends with were Christians, but not just any Christians, only the ones who attended this church in particular. No thanks, I said, and after seven years in the Christian church I hung up my gloves. I am a very independent person I wasn't about to let anyone tell me how to live my life.

This isn't to say I am perfect. I am far from that, and its not to say I am better than anyone else is, no chance in hell if you don't mind my French. And so as a friend of mine (who I might mention is Muslim) once said to me; I am me, and I like who I am. I am not going to change me for anyone. Thank you my friend, if I learn only one listen in life I will be glad that it was that one.

Lisa Graft (c) 1, 13, 1997

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