Lessons by Lori
Dear Lori,
My parents always used to fight, and I thought it was my
fault. Now they are getting a divorce and I am sure that I
drove them apart. What can I do?
Sad in Seatle
Dear Sad,
Let me first assure you that the fighting was never your
fault. It’s hard for two people to get along and live
together with out having some disagreements. Sometimes
it works out, and sometimes they are better off getting
seperated from each other. But it never will be your fault.
Dear Lori,
My little sis wants to hang with me and my friends and
that is such a drag, why can’t she get it that we don’t want
her around?
Annoyed in Anappolis
Dear Annoyed,
Kids are great, especially, siblings. They’ll be there when
no one else is, and trust me they are alot easier to talk to
then your parents about boy friends... Let your sis hang
with you, but not all the time, explain to her that you need
your space and that it doesn’t mean that you don’t love
her any less you just want to be alone. If you are nice
about it then she will probably give you the time you
need, if you give her the time she needs.
Don’t make me come down there- God
[April 1999]
[June 1999]
[Aug 1999]
[For previous issues e-mail me.]