Life Survey
Our survey Question: What I would like to know is if you think
that Peer Pressure effects the things you do, and if so why? if not
why not?
if so, probably because you want to be in the group all your friends are in.
if not, you have amazing self restraint and a very strong self confidence.
you know that you dont need to do what your friends want you to do be
considered "one of them"
Holly 15,
Yes what my friends say or don't say mean a lot. If I don't do it
or go there I might not be their friend any more, or be seen as
Heather 16
Yes it does because like if you give in you might gain or lose
some friends, but if you don't you might gain or lose some… I
Shae 14
Yes because your friends have something to do with it.
Chris 18
Yes because if you don’t but everyone wants you to, you will do
Sean 16
For me personally no, since I don't care what other people say.
And as the teen age group as a whole yes since others do as
others think.
John 15
[April 1999]
[June 1999]
[Aug 1999]
[For previous issues e-mail me.]